28 May 2009

Dragonboat Festival

Despite terrible weather and an unfortunate setback in the first heat, Su-Ting's team emerged victorious, winning the gold plate!


23 May 2009

Party Animals

At a jungle themed birthday party
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22 May 2009

French Fry Fun

After a dip in the pool, we had lunch at the Club... the kids were starving! And Sasha, not know just how lucky she is, tried her first french fry... what's not to be happy about?

Sofie's Bag

We found this a bit funny. Cleaning up Sofie's Mimi-chan handbag, which she regularly packs, unpacks and repacks, and found it completely overflowing with random things she found necessary: several pens (like Daddy), a donut and french fries (snacks like Mommy), a handful of her Barbies' shoes, a few Cinderella dolls and spare outfits, and of course her Aurora mobile phone and a pink flowery compact. She is all girl.

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Playdates, playdates, playdates!

Sofie the Socialite often has Girls' Nights In.... the agenda is generally the same and always involves lots of princess and fairy costumes, girly baths, and big social dinners!

18 May 2009

Sasha's Head Banging

Sasha's new dancing - with her head

17 May 2009

Summer Swimming

Summer is officially here.... we finally started spending time at the pool where Sofie very proudly parades around her baby sister, who has fearlessly taken to water like a fish!
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16 May 2009

Playsport Party

Some outdoor fun at a Playsport themed birthday party

Sofie and her friend, Chloe

The infamous trio, who can't seem to stay out of trouble when they are together

12 May 2009

Gymnastics Club

Sofie's new gymnastics class

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10 May 2009

Mother's Day 2009

Sofie graciously hosted Mommy at her school's Mother's Day celebration, where we made a beautiful bouquet together (decorated with puffy heart stickers, of course) and did a little groovin'

On Mother's Day itself, Daddy indulged us in morning Mommy & Me Cappuccino and Babycinnos, and a good old hearty Sunday brunch where Sasha monkeyed around at the table...
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03 May 2009

Deep Water Bay Regatta

Su-Ting joined a dragonboat team! Their first race was at the Deep Water Bay Regatta.

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02 May 2009

Angela & Shen's Wedding

The final stop on our trip was at the gorgeous Renji Golf Resort for the wedding our Angela & Shen! Sofie was the angel flower girl, and it was a dream come true for her: she got to ride in a horse drawn carriage with the bride...

01 May 2009

More Beijing

A happy pair after our scrumptious and authentic Peking duck dinner

Enjoying the huge adult swing where we were staying

This is Sofie's FAVORITE outfit. She has other clothes, really, I swear. But now that she knows where her clothes are, she MUST wear it every week, and often more than once if she finds out that it's been cleaned and available. Apparently the flouncy skirt trumps her [new] favorite color, pink.

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