Our not-so-little-anymore Sofie turned 4 years old this past week. Kicked off a weekend of festivities with a little party at school, where I showed pictures and talked about Sofie from ages zero to four, and then read "If You Give A Cat A Cupcake"to the class. Of course... they then got their [mini] cupcakes, and that was that!
Next stop was to HK Disneyland, where we did a special birthday celebration and she got to meet a lot of the characters over her Enchanted Garden dinner (rather than waiting in line for 20-30 min in the sweltering heat!!) Both girls loved it, and the personalized attention from the characters, and Minnie even cut the cake with Sofie after birthday singing. We were suckered into buying too many pictures because they were so tickled pink by it all. They ended the night by playing in the "Prince Eric Playroom" of the hotel, and woke up to a breakfast Mickey Mouse pancakes while watching Playhouse Disney. So well marketed and branded.
Of course we then spent the majority of the next day at the park itself, mostly making sure we got to meet all of the Princesses while she was in head to toe princess gear. She had done a portrait session earlier that day that really made her feel like a princess - hair extensions and all... We did Sofie's favorite rides and then "forced" them to brave the Buzz Light Year ride (so that Su-Ting could play the laser shooting game) during which both kids were so scared that they hid their faces the entire time. Reward: cotton candy.